The Pearl Production.

“By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches…..” Proverbs 24 .

Tracy Gehman Tracy Gehman

Renovations on the well house.

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Hannah’s Honeycomb
Tracy Gehman Tracy Gehman

Hannah’s Honeycomb

When my kids were little they enjoyed watching the cartoon Rolie Polie Olie. He was a cute little robot, in a robot world, having fun robot adventures. Most of the characters were round circles except for a few square ones.

More recently, I have thought about the the circles of life, cycles, habits and routines we get into as we go through our days. It may have started out adventurous, but soon routines can set in, good or bad and can become stagnant, going through the motions, just to check off the list something that I need to do. In just the last few months, I have challenged myself to change up an old way of thinking as I view my time spent with the Lord. I have heard over and over how important it is to get up early, spend some quiet time with the Lord, read a devotional and pray. There is certainly nothing wrong with that, but for me, it was becoming stale and predictable or got squeezed out with the business of life.

I was never an early riser, so I wasn’t able to keep that up for very long and soon felt burdened or guilt ridden for not giving time to the Lord. The Holy Spirit is not meant to be kept in a box, like Rolie & friends, or kept in a circle of cycles that can become just a ritual to check the box. Life lived by the Holy Spirit is exciting, never predictable and can’t be fit into a formula. I have now put into practice something new.

A little later in the morning, sitting still, listening to worship music, sometimes with words, sometimes instrumental, I wait for the presence of the Holy Spirit to come. I play different songs each day but always during one song, on one note, something changes and He is here. I can’t explain it except to say the atmosphere becomes weightier. During that time, I talk to the Lord in my thoughts. It is such a sweet, beautiful moment. When I feel compelled, I will shift to reading my Bible, whatever book or passage I sense to turn to.

Dear Friend, spend time with the Holy Spirit in whatever way is most meaningful. Wait for His presence and connect with Heaven. It becomes fuel for your day!

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Hannah’s Honeycomb
Tracy Gehman Tracy Gehman

Hannah’s Honeycomb


….. “gracious words are a honeycomb; sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Proverbs

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Rebuild: “build (something) again after it has been damaged or destroyed; to make extensive repairs to; to restore to a previous state; to make extensive changes in; remodel, rebuild society. To build up again, construct what has been demolished. To put into good order something that is injured, damaged, or defective; making like new without completely replacing.”

An interior and exterior view of the former Chauffeur’s house with Cold cellar in the lower level. Original wood and craftsmanship remain, complete with a ceramic tile fireplace. New Cold cellar doors, made of cedar wood, were locally built and installed Fall 2021. This gem will be known as “The Studio.”